Doves are small and it takes many shots to fill your quota, it is quite common to miss. With the cost of ammo what it is, using a .410 is an expensive proposition. A 20 gauge might be a bit cheaper, but the potential for damage to the bird is greater.
I do not have a bird dog, I work way too much to have time to train a bird dog. I use the old fashioned method of retrieving my own birds. so my day afield is a bit longer that some.
The prospect for birds looks good this year, I have seen many doves in both Missouri and Kansas, based on my limited experience I would say that 2009 is going to be a great year for harvesting doves in the Midwest.
Missouri Dove season ends on November 9, 2009. The bag limit is 15 and the possession limit is 30.
Hunt safe and enjoy the outdoors, I hope I see you afield, perhaps we can share a pinch of chew or a cold beverage.
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