Hunting on the Marais des Cygnes River today, with my Grandson Cody. We had a nice time listening to the birds sing and the frogs croak, but with all our calling and squawking we couldn't get an answer.
So we dropped on in on the other side of the river to check on some spoon bill fishers over where the old Haymaker Bridge fell in back in the 70's. Some spell it (Hay Maker Bridge).
We watched as they were snagging and working the old Aunt Mary (Marais des Cygnes River)
for all she had. I'd never been snaggin' before, so we really enjoyed watching these old boys work the treble hooks.
I got some great pictures though, so I thought I'd share. Here's Cody collecting the decoys. I got some pictures of the decoys, I thought I might try to pass them off as turkey pictures, but I figured it would be easy to figure out.
We had a great time though, and We may even try to get his Dad to let him off school for a day so we can go back when the weather is is better. Just too windy today!
I came across a new real estate site, seems one of the things they specialize in is Hunting Property and Hunting Real Estate.
Good night and Good hunting!
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