landlord was horrified when his tenant was victimized—raped by a convicted sex offender. In addition to repairing a damaged window and installing security devices, the landlord bought the tenant a shotgun. The latter move probably saved her life. Just a week later, as police prepared to file charges against the rapist, he returned to the scene of the crime. Likely angry his victim had gone to the authorities, the rapist cut the power to the house and crashed through the basement door. But the woman inside was not about to be a victim again. She fired her shotgun for the first time, killing her rapist. "I'm glad I had something to protect me," the woman said. "When your life is in danger, you just do what you have to do." (Southeast Missourian, Cape Girardeau, Miss., 11/01/08)
DEAN WOODLING WAS stopping by his fathers property when, according to police, he saw a robber loading a truck with stolen items. Woodling, who is a hunter, had a shotgun in the vehicle. "I jumped out with the shotgun as he was coming out of the barn," Woodling explained. "To say he was scared was an understatement." Woodling, who has a concealed-carry permit and likes to keep a firearm handy, held the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived. "The way the world is, its like American Express," said Woodling. "I never leave home without it. Police cannot be everywhere all the time." (Pocono Record, Stroudsburg, Pa., 11/14/08)
BRIAN BERTHIAUME WAS walking his dog when he saw a large man acting suspiciously. The man had entered the neighbors garage through the garage door, which construction workers had accessed earlier in the day, but Berthiaume decided home renovation was not this man's goal. Police say Berthiaume feared for his neighbor, a woman with two young children, so he ran home for his 40-caliber pistol and told his girlfriend to call police. When he returned, the suspect was carrying away a large saw. He confronted the man, who was already on probation for burglary. After a brief standoff, the 240-pound suspect sprawled out on the ground and waited for police. Berthiaume's neighbor lauded his actions, saying, "One of the reasons my family has stayed in New Orleans [following Hurricane Katrina] is because of neighbors who watch out for you, like Brian." (The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, La., 11/13/08)
MARK C. JOHNSON HAD been arrested 33 times since 1986, including charges of robbery, larceny and battery, according to law enforcement records. Some would suggest he should have been in jail. Unfortunately for sixth-grade reading teacher Juanita Enzor, he hoped to prey upon yet another victim. Police say Enzor, who lives alone, heard Johnson burst through her front door. Grabbing her gun, Enzor hid in the bedroom, and when Johnson entered the room, she shot him. Johnson attempted, albeit briefly, to attack Enzor before falling dead. (St. Petersburg Times, St. Petersburg, Fla., 10/24/08)
ALEJANDRO SALINAS WAS paying for his gas when the clerk warned him he'd seen several suspicious men outside. On his guard, Salinas walked to his truck, but before he could close the door, one of the men put a gun to his neck. "Get out of the truck. I'm going to take it and I'm going to kill you," the suspect said, according to police. But Salinas executed a classic tactical move: In a fast, fluid motion, he pushed away his assailants gun while drawing his own 9 mm pistol and shooting the assailant twice. The wounded suspect fired once into the air as he fell to the ground. His accomplices grabbed him and took him to a hospital, where he died. Salinas has a concealed-carry permit. (The Monitor, McAllen, Texas, 11/10/08)
THERE WERE ABOUT 15 people enjoying a game of bingo at a gaming hall when a masked man wielding a shotgun ran into the room. The armed robber fired a round into the ceiling and demanded money. According to police, that's when bingo hall manager Chad England decided to take action. England retrieved a pistol from an office and shot the masked man, possibly preventing several tragedies. The suspect died en route to the hospital. (Pensacola News Journal, Pensacola, Fla., 10/25/08)
If you have hud a firsthand "Armed Citizen" experience, call II.A/PR Communications at (703) 267-1193. Studies indicate that firearms are used more than 2 million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances. Shooting usually can be justified only where crime constitutes an immediate, imminent threat to life, limb or, in some cases, property. Anyone is free to quote or reproduce these accounts, which are condensed from individual newspaper clippings sent to "Vie Armed Citizen," 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030-9400.
2011 02 11 Quixotic Fusion at Liberty Hall
Quixotic Fusion, Kansas City's contemporary performance ensemble, performed
Friday night at Liberty Hall in Lawrence, KS. If you have never seen a
14 years ago